Mother’s Day 2014

Dear mom,

I’m pretty sure you are the reason I’m working for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  You are probably one of the most caring women I know.  I once had a friend tell me that every time they are around you, you make her feel like the most important person there.  You do this for everyone, and it’s not because you feel some kind of obligation it’s because you truly want people to know they matter.  I think this is one of the best traits you passed down to me.  I want to do good, I want to make the world we live in a better place, and I want what I do to make a difference.

My dad’s awesome, but he doesn’t get why I’d leave my job with predictability.  You totally gets it.  You may bite off more than you can chew most the time but it’s always because your heart is in the right place.  Growing up you taught me to never why, it was always why not.  Why can’t you just take the dogs and Addison to the races, why can’t we just go to the beach for the day, why can’t we go shopping for hours on end?  At times this does present problems for me, the planner, but it also reminds me to sometimes just go with the flow and say hey, why not?

Now that I’m a mom, I’m not sure how you did it.  I have a hard enough time doing things being married and in my 30’s, you did the majority of my raising on your own in your 20’s.  I love you for more reasons than I count, but I especially love you for all that you’ve taught me and passed down to me along the way.  We may butt heads at times, but I think that’s just mother daughter relationships as a whole.  Mom, you always hold a special place in my heart and I’m thankful to have you in my life.  I know I don’t get to call, see you, or facetime enough but always know I’m thinking of you and appreciate all that you did for me while I was growing up.  I wouldn’t be the person I am today without your influence and guidance.  I love you.


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