Hug your dog day

Okay, so Heath had his Series 7 exam today (he passed!! wohoo!!) so I had doggy duty to take Roscoe to Upstate Vet Specialists. He’s had some major issues going on lately and I had to take him for his recheck. One would think I would dread taking him to the vet, but to be truthful with you I enjoyed it. Since Heath’s been working out of the house the past couple years it’s been much easier for him to take him to the vet instead of me. I kind of miss it. I miss getting all the info first hand, and I miss being there for him when he’s scared. He did well when we were there, but ended up having another bad pain day later in the afternoon. I love exercising and racing, but I love my husband and dogs more. Sunday’s workout was postponed to Monday b/c I stayed with him while he was having one of his episodes. I know both my boys are 11 years old, but I wish I had a time machine to take them back to their younger years where they didn’t experience anything but the wonders of running around chasing eachother and jumping over our couches. Time is precious, so if you are going to spend time doing stuff make sure it is stuff you LOVE. If you have dogs, make sure to give them a hug!
Congrats to my hubby!! He rocks for passing the Series 7!

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