Aging Up

Well last week I celebrated a huge milestone by jogging for the 1st time in 8 months, a week later I celebrated aging up to the 40-44 age group.  Since I started walk/jog the week before I figured it’s only fitting I sign up for the local Swamp Rabbit 5k #amirite?!  I mean, the race was my bday week and I considered it a gift to myself.   Especially since Setup Events was timing it.

My 1st race back did not disappoint.  My bestie arrived ready to embarrass me (you know that’s HARD), he promptly slapped a 40 balloon on me, glasses, a pin, and a sash to match.  My hubby and my 7 year old son were there as well, and it was the 1st 5k we were doing as a family.  My dad came to drop off my niece to run with us.  I did notice that not only was he in workout clothes, but also running shoes (along with his girlfriend), but didn’t think much of it.  He said, “Happy birthday, you said you wanted to do this as a family, so we are ALL DOING THIS AS A FAMILY.”  Speechless (NEVER HAPPENS).  My dad has more excuses than anyone I know NOT to run, he’s crushed all the bones in both his ankles and at one time was told he’d never walk again.  If you’ve seen him walk, it’s no joke.

If you asked me a year ago if I cared about turning 40 I’d said, I’m in better shape now than I was in my 20’s so what do I care?  Clearly, that’s not my go to answer now.  I’m not bothered by being 40, just the fact that all these darn athletes keep getting faster!  Haha!

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